Peaceful Mind - The Ancient Yoga

100 Hours Meditation Teacher Training Course (MTTC)

100 Hours Meditation Teacher Training in India with Peaceful Mind – The Ancient Yoga in Goa & Dharamshala

The 100-hour Meditation Teacher Training Program is designed to offer training, guidance, and supervision to individuals who want to deepen their personal meditation practice, teach meditation to friends and family, integrate meditation into their current professions, or establish their own private meditation teaching practice. This program introduces participants to various meditation practices rooted in yoga, devoid of religious affiliations, and supported by scientific principles. It also provides education on the effects of acute and chronic stress on the body and mind, along with instruction in restorative yoga and pranayama practices. No prior experience is necessary, and individuals of all body types are welcome to participate.

Throughout the course, participants will engage in immersive meditation practices complemented by gentle yoga and pranayama exercises. They will learn effective techniques for teaching meditation to others and will have the opportunity to practice teaching based on their own meditation experiences. Our experienced teachers will provide comprehensive coaching to enhance presentation and teaching skills, as well as guidance on how to effectively share meditation practices with different audiences. The program encourages deep connections with peers and fosters a supportive learning environment for all participants.

Our program aligns with the standards and curriculum outlined by Yoga Alliance as a Continuing Education program for yoga teachers, meeting the approved clock hours of training. For further details, please refer to the Yoga Alliance website. The program covers a comprehensive range of topics under Techniques Training & Practice. This includes preparatory asanas, pranayama, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation theory and practice, the philosophy of meditation, teachings from the Bhagavad Gita, yogic lifestyle, and various traditional, modern, and scientific meditation techniques. Participants will also explore energy anatomy and physiology, including chakras, nadis, and more. The training hours encompass analytical instruction on how to teach and practice the techniques, as well as guided practice sessions to deepen understanding and proficiency. Participants will gain insights into the benefits, contraindications, and healthy movement patterns associated with each technique, fostering a holistic approach to meditation practice and teaching..
Our program adheres to the standards and curriculum set forth by Yoga Alliance as a Continuing Education program for yoga teachers, encompassing approved clock hours of training. Techniques Training & Practice: Participants engage in a comprehensive exploration of preparatory asanas, pranayama, kriyas, chanting, mantra, meditation theory and practice, as well as the philosophy of meditation. The curriculum includes teachings from the Bhagavad Gita, insights into the yogic lifestyle, and exposure to traditional, modern, and scientific meditation techniques. Additionally, participants delve into energy anatomy and physiology, covering topics such as chakras, nadis, and more. This segment involves both theoretical study and practical application, focusing on the integration of principles into yoga practice. Training hours encompass analytical instruction on how to effectively teach and practice the techniques, alongside guided practice sessions. Participants learn to understand the benefits, contraindications, and healthy movement patterns associated with each technique, fostering a comprehensive understanding of meditation practice and teaching methodologies.

Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow.

Yoga is a timeless traditional from Rig Veda with a history of over 5000 years. The Word “Yogasana” (Asana or Posture in brief) refers to a prosture in which one feels relaxed while keeping the body active internally. The Rishis (Vedic Sages) had keenly observed the sitting and standing postures of differnct animals, which in sprite of limited faculties, have wonderful physical capabilities that man is deprived of. They had studied the effects of different postures in the laboratory of their own body and developed specific asanas which had rejuvenating effects on the entire body-mind-soul system. Yoga is a pleasant inward journey of purification that illuminates life beyond pain. Immerse yourself in this amazing journey of self transformation and experience peace and lasting happiness. Yoga awakens the spiritual self, makes the practitioner experience inner divinity.

Swami Satyananda Saraswati -

100 Hours

Meditation Yoga Teacher Training Course Details
01 Recitation of Sacred Sound (Mantra Chanting)

By combining sound, breath and rhythm, mantra meditation channels the flow of energy through the mind-body circuit, adjusting the chemical composition of our internal states and regulating brain-hemisphere imbalances, contributing to a natural abatement of fear and despair–emotions that underlie both of these common afflictions. By balancing the nervous system, chanting regulates the chronic stress and tension that is the norm for many people in today’s hyper-stimulated lifestyle. And by balancing the endocrine system, chanting normalizes hormone production, which balances our moods and overall sense of well-being.

Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri Mantra is a powerful mantra from the Rig Veda that purifies, guided, protects and heals. It removes darkness and brings light. Everyone can chant this mantra.

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is from the Rig Veda. It wards off all negative and evil force, cures diseases and protects from all mishaps. Everyone can chant this mantra.

Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya (Mantra from Upanishad)
Om sahana vavatu ( Mantra from Upanishad)
Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudevo maheshwara (Guru stotram)
Yogena Cittasya ( Sloka on sage Patanjali)
02 Yoga Postures (Asana)

The Indian Sages of Vedic times – the Rishis, had discovered the super science of Yoga guided practical ways for accomplishing complete well-being. The Rishis had devised methods to awaken the unlimited powers (Potentials) of human life by means of Yoga. The real meaning and scope of yoga and presents a new method of practicing it for strengthening and rejuvenation of body and mind. Students will gain extensive knowledge on yoga postures and will increase their strength, flexibility and discipline. The Yogasana is fast and feasible, yet, comprehensive-in-effect. It can be practiced by people of all age groups without any time constraints.

Hatha Yoga

According to Indian tradition, one of the primary objectives of Hatha yoga includes deepening concentration, called Dharana, to enhance meditation and bring energy and health to the body and mind by opening the nadis, or channels of Kundalini energy. The opening of nadis through Hatha helps promote spiritual growth and understanding, according to Indian tradition.

Because Hatha yoga’s pace is slow and gentle, it is an ideal starting place for people who are new to yoga. One of the more challenging aspects of a yoga practice is combining movements with breathing control, or pranayama; a slow pace assists newcomers in moving correctly with the breath according to Hatha principles. Students of Hatha yoga hold each pose through several breaths.

Surya Namaskar (Sun salutation) and Chandra Namaskar (Moon salutation)

Alignment, Assist and Adjustment for the following Asanas (Postures)

  • Pawanmuktasana series 1
  • Pawanmuktasana serie 2
  • Pawanmuktasana series 3
  • Surya Namaskar (sun salutation)
  • Chandra Namaskar (moon salutation)
  • Tadasana (palm tree pose)
  • Triyak tadasana (swaying palm tree pose)
  • Trikonasana (triangle pose)
  • Parivirtatrikon asana – revolving triangle pose
  • Uttkatasana – chair pose
  • Virbhdrasana 1 - warrior 1
  • Virbhdrasana 2 - warrior 2
  • Virbhdrasana 3 - warrior 3
  • Ardha Chandrasana - half moon pose
  • Vriksasana – tree pose
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa yoga requires a working knowledge of yoga and is more advanced than Hatha yoga, in that it demands more physically through the poses. This form of yoga is a series of postures that work the cardiovascular system with its flowing movements and quick pace. All of the poses are linked and combined with a rhythm of inhalations and exhalations aimed to build heat in the body. Vinyasa yoga, also called Ashtanga yoga, is a fast-paced series of postures or asanas that focuses on the flow between movements, rather than individual poses.

The purpose of Vinyasa yoga is internal cleansing. By synchronizing the asanas with breathing control, your internal temperature rises. According to Ashtanga, the asanas performed in Vinyasa heat the blood, subsequently thinning it so it flows more freely in the body, which creates a healthier, lighter and stronger mind and body.

Coverage: Alignment, Drishti, Adjustment, Options
  • Surya Namaskar A
  • Surya Namaskar B
Full Primary Series:
  • Padangusthasana
  • Padahasthasana
  • Utthita Trikonasana
  • Parivrtta Trikonasana
  • Utthita Parsvakonasana
  • Parivrtta Parsvakonasana
  • Prasarita Padottanasana A B C & D
  • Parsvottanasana
  • Eka Pada Padangusthasana A B C & D
  • Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Virabhadrasana A & B
  • Dandasana
  • Paschimottanasana A B C & D
  • Purvattanasana
  • Ardha Baddha Padma Uttanasana
  • Triang Mukaikapada Pashimottanasana
  • Janu Sirsasana A B & C
  • Marichyasana A B C & D
  • Navasana
03 Pranayama (Breathing Practices)

The Vedic sages (Rishis) have rewarded us with invaluable knowledge for our well-being and mental and spiritual evolution. The yoga science of Pranayama is unique of such precious gifts, which offers enormous benefits to our physical as well as subtle bodies by enhancing our Prana (Vital spiritual energy). The fourth Anga (part) among the eight fold system of YOGA (Astanga-yoga) given by Maharshi Patanjali is Pranayama (Divine breathing exercises to enhance vital energy). Pranayama is composed of two word-Prana and ayama. Prana prefers to th Vayu (living energy) flowing in the word-prana and ayama means its control. Its practice keeps the entire body healthy.

Week 1
  • Introduction of Pranayama , Benefits of pranayama , General guidelines
  • Clavicular , Thorocic and Diaphragmatic Breathing (Yogic Breathing)
  • Ujjayi
  • Bhastrika
  • Kapalbhati

Sitting postures for Pranayama sadhana

  • Easy pose
  • Half-lotus
  • Swastikasana
  • Siddha yoni asana
  • Nadi – Sodhana
  • Bhramari
  • Surya – Bhedi & Chandra – Bhedi
  • Sheetali & Sheetkari
  • Pranakarshan Pranayama
  • Bhastika Pranayama
04 Meditation (Dhyana)

Meditation is a systematic practice that promotes physical, mental and emotional tranquility with the purpose of reaching Samadhi (self-realization). Meditation is relaxation. It is not about concentration, it’s actually about de-concentration. It’s not about focusing one’s thoughts on one thing, but instead on becoming thoughtless. With meditation, the physiology undergoes a change and every cell in the body is filled with more prana (energy). This result in joy, peace, enthusiasm as the level of prana in the body increases. Meditation brings the brainwave pattern into an alpha state that promotes healing. The mind becomes fresh, delicate and beautiful. It cleanses and nourishes you from within and calms you, whenever you feel overwhelmed, unstable, or emotionally shut down with regular practice of meditation.

  • Breathing Awareness Meditation
  • Trataka
  • Dynamic Meditation
  • Tips for developing concentration
  • Silence Meditation
05 Yoga Nidra (Psychic Sleep)

When a yoga practitioner moves through the various internal states of Yoga Nidra, a profound experience of relaxation occurs. This is called "Turiya," a sensation of pure bliss. Yoga nidra, a Sanskrit term meaning "yogic sleep" is a deep relaxation technique and a form of meditation. Also called "psychic sleep," yoga nidra is a state between sleeping and waking. The body is completely relaxed and the practitioner turns the awareness inward by listening to a set of instructions; much like a guided meditation. Performing yoga nidra involves practicing pratyahara ("withdrawal of the senses"), which is the fifth limb of Ashtanga yoga.

Yoga nidra practice results in deep relaxation and expands the individual's self-awareness. Yoga nidra was practiced by ancient sages so they could consciously watch their samskaras, or the "impressions of the mind." They could also purify their samskaras in order to come closer to liberation, or moksha.

The practice of yoga nidra not only involves pratyhara, but also requires pranayama (breathing techniques) and dharana ("concentration"), which are the fourth and sixth limbs of Ashtanga yoga.

In yoga nidra, the practitioner enters their alpha state and their focus shifts to the third eye chakra(sahasrara). It also stimulates the hormones in the pineal gland, which releases melatonin -- a horomone that reduces stress, boosts the immune system and helps prevent illness. Regular practice helps harmonize the brain hemispheres, promoting better mental performance.

Yoga nidra offers other amazing health benefits, as well, including:

  • Calms the mind
  • Relaxes and rejuvenates the body
  • Soothes the nervous system
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Lowers high cholesterol and blood pressure levels
  • Strengthens immunity
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Treats depression
  • Reduces pain
  • Boosts concentration level
  • Supports brain function & boosts creativity
  • Basic Relaxation
  • Tension Relaxation
  • Full Body Relaxation
06 Yoga Cleansing (Shatkarma or Purification)

The Shatkarmas purify the body. Their purpose, however, is not only physical purification, but inner purification as well. When the body is purified, internal disorders are removed and goods health is achieved. Without such purification the body will not be ready for the higher practices of yoga. After purification a human being lives longer on this earth. In the Upnishads and Vedas it states in number places that human beings remains healthy and free from disease, living for a hundred years or more is natural. Rubber-neti

  • Jalneti
  • Kapalbhati
07 Yoga Philosophy (Yoga Darshana)

Yoga Philosophy is the foundation of our yoga practice and is the key to earn yogic strength. Through the path of Vedanta Philosophy, you will establish a solid, well-rounded yoga practice. Yoga philosophy is closely related to one of the other six schools of Hinduism, Samkhya, but unlike Samkhya, yoga accepts the concept of God, described by Patanjali as Ishvara. Some scholars describe yoga philosophy as "Samkhya with God." While Samkhya states that knowledge is the only path to moksha, yoga says that it should be combined with systematic practice, or personal experimentation.

Week 1:

  • Introduction to yoga, its philosophy and evolution
  • Introduction to yoga sutras of patanjali
  • Definition of Yoga
  • 4 aspects of mind and its functions
  • Daily Schedule of a yoga student
  • Principles of 5 Basic element & 10 Senses

Week 2:

  • Yama, Niyama (4 days)
  • Asana, Pranayama & Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyan, Samadhi (2 Days)
08 Anatomy and Physiology (Sharir Vigyan)

It is must know about the organization of the human body and how different parts of human body work. The study also involves the knowledge of how various conditions affect the functioning of different body part to maintain life and health. An introduction to anatomy and physiology is learning various systems that compose the human body. The synchronized working all these system explain the miraculous organization of the human being, a complex multicellular organism.

Brief overview:

  • Digestive System
  • Respiratory System
  • Nervous System
  • Organs


  • Bodily systems
  • Nadis
  • Chakras

100 Hours

MeditationYoga Teacher Training Course Dates 2024:2025

Start Date

End Date

Fee starts from (Euro)



26th April 2024 09th May 2024 € 706 Dharamshala

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21st May 2024 03rd June 2024 € 706 Dharamshala

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17th June 2024 30th June 2024 € 706 Dharamshala

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16th July 2024 29th July 2024 € 706 Dharamshala

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15th Sep 2024 28th Sep 2024 € 706 Dharamshala

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24th Oct 2024 07th Nov 2024 € 756 Goa

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24th Nov 2024 08th Dec 2024 € 756 Goa

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29th Dec 2024 12th Jan 2025 € 756 Goa

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26th Jan 2025 09th Feb 2025 € 756 Goa

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23rd Feb 2025 09th Mar 2025 € 756 Goa

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What does the course fees include ?
  • 14 Days, 13 nights beautiful and luxurious Accommodation in a relaxing and peace area
  • Daily breakfasts, Lunches, and dinners, Teas lovingly prepared by our staff from locally sourced, vegetarian ingredients
  • Airport Pickup facilities available on additional cost
  • Spiritual Dance and movement sessions
  • Rejuvenating Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga sessions in the afternoon and evening with our resident yoga experts
  • Delicious healthy meals in our cozy dining area
  • Integration groups that will help you synthesize the deep transformations that occur during training
  • Deepening bonds through simple singing around the fire with everyone
  • 30 to 60-minute massage on extra cost
  • A wonderful Picnic in Jungle and mountain area
  • Three beautiful Gifts to be given on Farewell.
  • Airport Transfers
What is not included in the course fees ?
  • Any Traveling and Visa Expenses
  • Travel or other Insurance
  • Medical Facilities
  • Vehicle
  • 100 & 200-hour Astanga Vinyasa yoga teacher training
  • Eligibility to register with Yoga Alliance before December 31, 2021
  • For 100 TTC, remaining 100 hours to be completed only before 31st December 2021
  • 6 hours live sessions per day including 2 yoga classes, 1 alignment class, 1 philosophy class, 1 meditation class, and 1 pranayama class 120 contact hours
  • 96 non-contact hours for self-study and self-practice through videos and books
  • Live sessions will be held over Zoom
  • sessions' timezone: in Rishikesh, India (GMT+5.30). The classes will start from 3:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
  • Course material, , and unlimited support will be provided from experienced teachers
  • A relaxed way of teaching and practice during this Corona epidemic
What you will learn
  • Kundalini practices (to awake the hidden energy)
  • Tantra practices (to unite and balance the Shiva and Shakti)
  • Hatha yoga (for physical health and flexibility)
  • Pranayama (for energy balance and proper breathing)
  • Meditation (for calming and relaxing the mind to achieve stillness and stability in your life)
  • Bandhas (for awakening the hidden energy and channeling the energy in the proper direction)
  • Mudras (yogic gestures that help you to save your energy so that you can make yourself always happy)
  • Philosophy (you can understand your life better and the function of Kundalini Shakti)
  • Satkarma (detox cleansing will help you to make yourself lighter and open to awake the energy)
Pre-application requirements
  • Those who want to develop the skill of teaching in the path of traditional Kundalini, Tantra, and meditation
  • Good for beginners and advanced yoga practitioners
  • Those who are willing to awaken the hidden energy
  • Those who have at least six months of yoga experience, better
  • Those who are seeking 200-hour Yoga Alliance certificate after completion of the course, you will be able to register with Yoga Alliance
  • Those who are interested to teach meditation and practices

100 Hours

Yoga Teacher Training Daily Schedule





5.30 AM

Morning Bell

1.30 to 2.30 PM


6.30 to 7.30 AM

Mantra Chanting and Pranayama

2.30 to 4.30 PM

Resting, Reading Books

7.45 to 9.00 AM

Hatha Yoga

4.30 to 5.30 PM

Yoga Philosophy

9.15 to 10.00 AM


5.30 to 6.30 PM

Vinyasa Yoga

11.00 to 12.00 PM


6.30 to 7.15 PM


12.15 to 1.15 PM

Alignment, Adjustment & Methodology 

7.30 to 8.30 PM




10.00 PM

Light Off

Package Fee

Venue: Agonda Beach, Goa, India


Package Fee

Amount in Euro



Agonda Beach, Goa (India) (Single Private Room Accommodation with 24 Hrs. Hot water Showers and Wi-Fi)


Registration Fee, Tuition Fee, Study Material, Yoga Kit (Two T-Shirts, One Yoga Bag & Water Bottle – Stainless steel), Meals (Except on Saturday Night & Sunday) , Two Herbal Tea, Filtered Unlimited drinking water, Single Private Room Accommodation, Airport Pick-up & Drop off.


Agonda Beach, Goa (India) (Single Private Deluxe Room Accommodation with 24 Hrs. Hot water shower and Wi-Fi)


Registration Fee, Tuition Fee, Study Material, Yoga Kit (Two T-Shirts, One Yoga Bag & Water Bottle – Stainless steel), Meals (Except on Saturday Night & Sunday) , Two Herbal Tea, Filtered Unlimited drinking water, Single Private Deluxe Room Accommodation, Airport Pick-up & Drop off.


Agonda Beach, Goa (India) (Does not Include Accommodation in this package)


Registration Fee, Tuition Fee, Study Material, Yoga Kit (Two T-Shirts, One Yoga Bag & Water Bottle – Stainless steel), Meals (Except on Saturday Night & Sunday) , Two Herbal Tea, Filtered Unlimited drinking water, No Accommodation, Airport Pick-up & Drop off.

Package Fee

Venue: Dharamshala, Himalaya, India


Package Fee

Amount in Euro



Dharamshala, Himalaya (India (Single Private Super Deluxe Room Accommodation with 24 Hrs. Hot water Shower and Wi-Fi)


Registration Fee, Tuition Fee, Study Material, Yoga Kit (Two T-Shirts, One Yoga Bag & Water Bottle – Stainless steel), Meals (Except on Saturday Night & Sunday) , Two Herbal Tea, Filtered Unlimited drinking water, Single Private Room Accommodation, Airport Pick-up & Drop off.


Dharamshala, Himalaya (India (Single Private Deluxe Room Accommodation with 24 Hrs. Hot water Shower and Wi-Fi)


Registration Fee, Tuition Fee, Study Material, Yoga Kit (Two T-Shirts, One Yoga Bag & Water Bottle – Stainless steel), Meals (Except on Saturday Night & Sunday) , Two Herbal Tea, Filtered Unlimited drinking water, Single Private Deluxe Room Accommodation, Airport Pick-up & Drop off.


Dharamshala, Himalaya (India (Double Shared Room Accommodation with 24 Hrs. Hot water Shower and Wi-Fi)


Registration Fee, Tuition Fee, Study Material, Yoga Kit (Two T-Shirts, One Yoga Bag & Water Bottle – Stainless steel), Meals (Except on Saturday Night & Sunday) , Two Herbal Tea, Filtered Unlimited drinking water, Twin shared Accommodation, Airport Pick-up & Drop off.

Note: Early-Bird discount will be given @10% if you book one month before of arrival date.

Early Bird Discount: @10%
Register Now
Booking Terms

Deposit Policy: 50% Advance amount is required for Yoga classes.
Cancellation Policy: Non-refundable (Credit Can be transferred to next Training Sessions)
In case the deposit is not the full amount, the rest should be paid: On Arrival

Peaceful Mind - The Ancient Yoga

Interested in
100 Hrs. Yoga Teacher Training Course?

Contact us at below details for any query related to our Yoga TTC and Retreats.

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