Namaste!! Welcome to “The Ancient Yoga” for wellbeing

Online Yoga Therapy Classes

Online Yoga Therapy Classes:
What is an effective Yoga Therapy?

Yoga is primarily a way of life, which was presented by Patanjali in a systematic manner. There are eight limbs namely Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. Practicing these parts of yoga improves social and personal conduct, improves physical health due to proper circulation of oxygenated blood in the body, controls the senses and brings peace and purity to the mind. Essentially, yoga therapy is the application of yoga practices to alleviate physical and mental health conditions with the view of promoting self-care and encouraging overall well-being. Whilst the practice of yoga in general aims to cultivate the body and mind and hence has the potential for therapeutic effects, in yoga therapy we are using specific yoga practices and their known benefits to help alleviate or improvement mental and physical ailments.

The practice of yoga brings about prevention of psychosomatic disorders/diseases, increases the immunity power in the body and the ability to stamina in stressful situations. One of the eight limbs of meditation, if practiced regularly, has an increased ability to reduce harmful bodily reactions, so that the mind can be directly engaged in more fruitful activities. Although yoga is primarily a way of life, its promotive, preventive and curative interventions are efficacious. In the texts of yoga, many easy methods have been described for the improvement of health, prevention of diseases and treatment of diseases. These days’ yoga therapy has become so popular, that many doctors are now supporting it. Various medical journals reveal research as to yoga’s multi-tiered benefits. Likewise, those in the field of mental health often recommend yoga to clients or may even integrate aspects into their work. At The Minded Institute we train many mental health professionals to bring yoga therapy into clinical practice.

The choice of body postures should be done judiciously. From the point of view of prevention of diseases, advancement of health and medical purposes, they should be properly selected and practiced in the right way. Studies have shown that yogic practice enhances intelligence and memory, and helps in easing fatigue and stress, increasing tolerance and developing an integrated psychophysical personality. Meditation is another exercise, which brings stability to mental emotions and prevents abnormal functioning of the body's sanctuaries. Studies have shown that meditation not only controls the senses, but also regulates the nervous system.

  • Maximum 60 students in an online batch
  • Question & Answer or doubts Session will be conducted in a week
  • Yoga Guru & International Coach will treat you during the complete course Package
  • We include Mantra Chanting, Sukshma exercise, Warm-up, Various Asanas, Surya Namaskar, Pragya Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation
  • We will provide you a Yoga Certificate if you complete the package
  • We additionally provide the Yogic diet chart and other home remedies for Holistic Health
  • Classes will run on monthly basis from Monday to Friday only

Yoga Styles
  • Hatha
  • Vinyasa
  • Ashtanga
Yogi Satendra
Yoga Coach
Yoga Instructor
Online Yoga Therapy Classes Details

  • Each yoga class starts with the Vedic Mantra, body warm – up, a short relaxation, bringing an awareness of the body and breath. This is followed by a range of postures in alternate days according to the level, moving each part of the muscular and skeletal system.
  • Often the postures (Asanas) also influence the organs and glands, and so improve your overall health, wellbeing and state of mind. A short relaxation completes the physical element of the class.
  • We finish the class with meditation and Pranayama (breath techniques) and complete the practice by chanting OM.
  • Yoga develops the power to discriminate between good and bad choices and develops our viveka, the part of the intellect which guides us to correct understanding and making the right decisions in life. Yoga ignites in us the light of wisdom so that we gain clarity and are able to become aware of true reality.
  • Peaceful Mind – The Ancient Yoga has a unique yoga system designed for all ages and suitable for any level of fitness.
  • In this class we will be focusing on gentle stretches, simple yoga postures to strengthen muscles and breathing exercises to help you relax and regenerate.
  • Regular practice of yoga keeps the human body vital and healthy into old age. Yoga exercises have a medically demonstrable, stimulating and regulating impact upon all systems of the human body, including the glands, organs and nervous system. They have a purifying and regenerative effect on the entire body.
  • We focus on a simple, non-competitive practice of yoga which makes it accessible to all
  • Asanas

    The word “ Yogasana” or “Asana” refers to a posture in which one feels relaxed while keeping the body active internally. The Rishis (Vedic Sages) had keenly observed the sitting and standing postures of different animals, which, in spite of limited faculties, have wonderful physical capabilities that man is deprived of. They had studied the effects of different postures in the laboratory of their own body and developed specific Asanas which had rejuvenating effects on the entire body-mind-soul system.

    Physical exercises which are popular in gyms and exercise –centers increasing muscles only, while the practice if Asanas increasing joint and muscle strength, energy and flexibility. If these Asana are performed with prescribed breathing patter, then the body’s immune power increases. It also promotes proper blood circulation.

    Person with weak body handicapped and with chronic diseases can also practice these Asanas under expert’s guidance. We cover, Recitation of Sacred Sound ( Mantra Chanting), Asanas (Postures), Pranayama ( Devine Breathing Practice), Mudra ( Yoga Gestures), Bandhas ( Energy Lock), Dhyana( Meditation), Yoga Nidra (Psychic Sleep) and ending with Chanting.

    We Provide Yoga Therapy in the following conditions:
    1. Yoga for Intellectual (Mental) Health

    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Stress
    • Eating Disorders
    • Addiction
    Steps Mental Health Description
    1 Depression, Anxiety, Mental Stress, Sleep Disorders Depression, Anxiety, Mental Stress, Sleep Disorders, Eating Disorders and Addiction. Due to failure in life or many other reasons, a person becomes a victim of depression, Anxiety, Stress etc. This leads to fear, frustration, despair, irritability and unnecessary stress. If it is not understood on time, then it reaches its peak level on many, it also creates a situation of murder or suicide. If the person is unable to do
    2 Eating Disorders and Addiction this, then he gets drunk. In such a situation, these tips of yoga can prove to be very beneficial.
    3 Way of Treatment Mantra Chanting, Pranayama, Aasan and Meditation + Indian Herbs + Diet Plan and others.
    4 Duration 03 to 06 (Three to Six) Months’ Package
    5 Fee INR 5600 Per Month (For Indians) & USD: 149 Per Month (For Foreigners)
    6 Enquiry Contact Us
    7 Registration Register Now!
    2. Yoga for various Diseases
    • Diabetes (Blood & Urine Sugar)
    • High and Low Blood Pressure
    • Back, Spinal pain, Slip disc and Sciatica
    • Thyroid
    • Digestive and Gastric, Acidity
    • Boost the Immune System
    • Asthama (Breathing Problem)
    Steps Diseases Description
    1 Diabetes (Blood & Urine Sugar)

    What is diabetes:

    There are three main types of diabetes:

    Type 1 diabetes – Your body does not make insulin. This is a problem because the sugars from the food you eat to take up (glucose) and convert it into energy in your body. You need insulin. you to stay alive. Insulin needs to be taken daily.

    Type 2 diabetes – your body doesn't insulin well does not make or does not use it well. you need to take pills to control your diabetes. You may need to take insulin. second type of diabetes, is the most common type.

    Gestational (gestational) (jest-TAY-shun-al) diabetes – Some women develop this type of diabetes when they are pregnant. In most cases, after the birth of the child. After that it gets fixed. But even after recovering, these women and their children are more likely to develop diabetes in the future. Chances are higher.

    Yoga can keep the blood sugar level under control. By doing yoga daily, not only can diabetes be controlled but many diseases can be kept away. Yogasan for Diabetes Patients can be very beneficial for diabetics. There are many yogasanas to control diabetes, which if practiced regularly can give you relief from this problem. Apart from our diet, blood sugar also depends on our physical activities. If we exercise or do yoga daily, then our blood sugar level is also under control, whereas if we are not physically active, then it can not only increase obesity but also can lead to uncontrollable blood sugar level. Yoga is also considered beneficial in relieving stress. One of the biggest causes of diabetes is stress, it can increase the secretion of glucagon in the body and glucagon is a hormone that can increase the blood sugar level. Here are some yoga asanas which can be very beneficial in diabetes.

    2 Way of Treatment Warm Up, Sukshma Vyayam, Pranayama, Aasan and Meditation + Indian Herbs + Diet Plan and others.
    3 Duration 03 to 04 (Three to Four) Months’ Package
    4 Fee INR 3900 Per Month (For Indians) & USD: 109 Per Month (For Foreigners)
    5 Enquiry Contact Us
    6 Registration Register Now!
    Steps Diseases Description
    1 High and Low Blood Pressure

    What is Blood Pressure:

    Many diseases are born due to bad lifestyle, wrong diet, lack of sleep and stress. They have a high blood pressure. In English it is called hypertension. According to experts, in this disease, blood circulation in the arteries of the heart starts happening very fast. Due to this, the person has problems of fatigue, chest pain, severe headache and shortness of breath etc.

    Its treatment is possible. If care is taken in the treatment, then it proves to be dangerous. For this, you can also take the help of yoga along with medicine. It has been used since ancient times. In modern times, doctors also recommend doing yoga in many diseases. If you are also a patient of hypertension and want to control high blood pressure, then definitely do these yogasanas daily. This can give you great relief in hypertension.

    2 Way of Treatment Warm Up, Sukshma Vyayam, Pranayama, Aasanas, Yognidra and Meditation + Indian Herbs + Diet Plan and others.
    3 Duration 03 to 04 (Three to Four) Months’ Package
    4 Fee INR 3900 Per Month (For Indians) & USD: 109 Per Month (For Foreigners)
    5 Enquiry Contact Us
    6 Registration Register Now!
    Steps Diseases Description
    1 Back, Spinal pain, Slip disc and Sciatica Thyroid Digestive and Gastric, Acidity Boost the Immune System Asthama (Breathing Problem)

    Modern Yoga has proved its superiority on every platform in the field of Yoga therapy. Shatkarma, Yogasana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana etc. All the components of prevalent yoga help a person to stay healthy. There is no other method or means which can also take preventive measures like yoga and which can also be effective remedial means. Therefore, this form of yoga is currently called "Medical Yoga" i.e. "Medical Yoga". “Beyond the physical elements of yoga that are essential and effective in strengthening the body, medical yoga also incorporates appropriate breathing techniques, alertness and meditation to achieve maximum benefits in Back, Spinal pain, Slip disc and Sciatica, Thyroid Digestive and Gastric, Acidity Boost the Immune System Asthama (Breathing Problem

    Structural Yoga Therapy, popular in foreign countries, is a yoga practice of this category, which removes disorders of the body structure such as the distortion of the shape / position of a particular organ due to the habit of sitting or standing in the wrong form, etc. is done to. This therapy is effective in many problems like back pain, lumbar spondylitis, cervical spondylitis, joint degeneration, rounded shoulders, non-alignment of shoulders, etc.

    2 Way of Treatment Warm Up, Sukshma Vyayam, Pranayama, Aasanas, Yognidra and Meditation + Indian Herbs + Diet Plan and others.
    3 Duration 03 to 06 (Three to Six) Months’ Package
    4 Fee INR 4900 Per Month (For Indians) & USD: 136 Per Month (For Foreigners)
    5 Enquiry Contact Us
    6 Registration Register Now!
    Teaching Language

    Hindi and English Mix

    Location of Yoga Therapy Classes

    Each Therapy Classes will be held online. The Ancient Yoga is located in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India and they will live-stream yoga classes via Zoom which you can participate from the comfort of your home. Make sure you have a stable internet connection and your favorite yoga mats and props.

    Monthly Online Yoga Therapy Classes

    Yoga Dates 2022:2023

    Start Date

    End Date

    Fee starts from (INR)



    1st Oct 2022 31st Oct 2022 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    1st Nov 2022 30th Nov 2022 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    1st Dec 2022 31st Dec 2022 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    1st Jan 2023 31st Jan 2023 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    1st Feb 2023 28th Feb 2023 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    1st Mar 2023 31st Mar 2023 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    1st Apr 2023 30th Apr 2023 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    1st May 2023 31st May 2023 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    1st June 2023 30th June 2023 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    1st Aug 2023 31th Aug 2023 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    1st Sep 2023 30th Sep 2023 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    1st Oct 2023 31st Oct 2023 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    1st Nov 2023 30th Nov 2023 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    1st Dec 2023 31st Dec 2023 ₹ 3900/- Available

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    Whats Included
    • Sukshma Exercise
    • Warm-up
    • Yoga Therapy classes
    • Pranayama sessions
    • Mantra Chanting
    • Meditation sessions
    • Sava-Asana and chanting sessions
    • Yoga Certificates who finish complete package
    • Classes from Monday to Friday
    Whats Not Included
    • Yoga Certificate who discontinue the therapy Classes
    • Saturday – Sunday Classes
    • Yoga Mat
    • Any other expenses
    Cancellation Policy
    • A reservation requires a deposit of 100% before joining.
    • The deposit is non-refundable, if the booking is cancelled.
    Package Fee

  • Please refer the above chart as per your disease
  • You have to deposit one month’s fee in advance
  • The deposit is non-refundable, if the booking is cancelled or discontinue the class
  • Early Bird Discount : Nil
    Register Now
    Booking Terms

    Deposit Policy: 100% Advance amount is required for Online Yoga classes
    Cancellation Policy: Non-refundable (Credit Can be transferred to next Training Sessions)
    In case the deposit is not the full amount, the rest should be paid: On Arrival

    Visit to our youtube channel

    We offer a wide range of styles for different personal levels across the extensive class schedule. The classes vary from the most dynamic to deeply restorative, and everything in between, so whatever is your age and fitness, there are classes that suit you. If you just want to get started, we'd recommend picking a class that is simply called ‘Peaceful Mind – The Ancient Yoga’. In these classes teacher often integrates elements from various Yogic traditions so it's a great way to find the style that suits you.

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